As corporate counsel, you are challenged to operate the legal department like any other business unit, delivering faster and better legal service at less cost. You are expected to provide metrics that help assess risk, validate your legal strategy, and help you win. Lex Machina enables you with innovative technology to help you reduce your litigation risk, improve effectiveness, predict legal cost, and identify and hire the best talent (both in-house and outside counsel). Here’s how:


Assess Litigation Risk
Set Litigation Budget
Select Outside Counsel
Track ongoing cases
Manage Litigation Strategy
Navigate Dockets and Documents Efficiently

Learn in 4 minutes how to reduce legal spend, select the best outside counsel, and prepare accurate litigation budgets.

Outside Counsel Selection

Have you been pitched by several law firms that all have “extensive expertise” before the judge in your case? Only Lex Machina can show you a comprehensive overview of each law firm’s experience before your judge, including Outcome Analytics™ for the client in each case. See what other companies your attorneys are working for. Now you can compare counsel to discover who really has the best experience.

Early Case Assessment

When you get sued, you want fast answers to basic questions about the plaintiff and their law firm—without having to wait and pay for the information. Traditional research tools might be able to show you a list of your opponent’s cases, but only Lex Machina’s Case List Analyzer™ can give you actionable insights with Outcome Analytics, such as time to critical litigation milestones, and tell you exactly what happened in a case—in one click.

Motion Strategy

Trying to decide whether it’s worth filing an expensive motion? Lex Machina can show you statistics about the success of your potential motion, tailored to the sample of cases you care about. If your judge has only granted a motion to transfer 3 out of 50 times in the last five years, you might save your money by skipping that motion and investing in a different strategy.

See Who’s Using Lex Machina

“I use Lex Machina throughout the day to look at cases and see where they are at any given time. Whenever a new issue arises, I can see instantly what we might be up against: who they are, what counsel they use, whom they have sued in the past, and how they have done.”

Scott Hauser, Deputy GC, Ruckus Wireless

Huawei Technologies Picks Lawyers
with Analytics.

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Validity Uses Legal Analytics to Assess Litigation Risk and Case Value.

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Want to learn more about Legal Analytics?

Legal Analytics

Legal Analytics for Companies

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Outshine RFP Battles with Lex Machina

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Legal Analytics for Outside Counsel Selection

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Legal Analytics for Early Case Assessment