Before painting your legal landscape, ensure you have all the supplies.
Enhance your ability to win cases and win clients with Full Federal, the newest release from Lex Machina, a LexisNexis® company. Lex Machina’s Full Federal empowers legal professionals to gain crucial insights on the litigation histories and tendencies of the judges, courts, counsel, parties, practice areas, findings, remedies, damages, and cases that matter most to them by drawing on a complete dataset of civil litigation in federal district court.
Now, Lex Machina provides outcome analytics for its complete civil federal district court dataset, including:
Case Resolutions


This groundbreaking set of expanded and enhanced Legal Analytics also offers a myriad number of ways to filter and slice the analytics, while providing an easy-to-use interface, updated tools, and new capabilities. With Lex Machina’s Full Federal, practitioners can paint an accurate portrait of their legal landscape for their clients or businesses to rely on, knowing their insights and knowledge draw from Lex Machina’s comprehensive and powerful dataset of federal district court cases.
Complete the form or call 1-888-AT-LEXIS. A LexisNexis® rep will reach out to schedule your free demo.