Legal Analytics for Patent Litigation
More than ever before, companies depend on successful patent strategies to help them win. Legal Analytics from Lex Machina arms in-house lawyers and their outside counsel with strategic insight to craft winning IP strategy, win more cases and close more business.
Lex Machina integrates PTAB trial data with District Court and ITC litigation information to ensure that you cover all your bases. Discover meaningful patterns in prior litigation with granular data about time to trial, time to Markman, time to termination, and successful motions for every federal judge.
Uncover trends to bolster your patent litigation strategy. Learn about the behavior of judges, lawyers, parties, as well as all prior litigation concerning asserted patents. See average time to claim construction, outcomes, damages awards, and more. Explore the litigation history of your opposing counsel and evaluate their expertise in a particular matter. Gain insight into settlement rates, win/loss rates, time to settlement, and time to trial for opposing parties and counsel. Review previous arguments and set your strategy based on data.
Use Cases
- Assess new matters quickly and easily. Analyze the litigation behavior of a party, including the time their cases lasted, the outcomes achieved, and their preferred motion practice.
- Examine the opposing law firm from different angles to evaluate the threat level and inform your patent litigation strategy.
- Discover key patents and learn how your portfolio compares to others. Explore outcomes for patents, including findings of invalidity, infringement, and re-examination outcomes.
- Use Lex Machina’s patent outcomes to analyze which patents have been litigated by whom and identify battle-tested IP.
- Leverage our unique Patent Similarity Engine to quickly research the litigation history of relevant patents and analyze resulting outcomes and damages.
In today’s patent environment, it’s vital to consider PTAB litigation and outcomes as part of your legal strategy. In addition to detailed, claims-level findings about institution, settlement, disclaimer, and ultimate patentability, Legal Analytics for PTAB helps you uncover strategic insights about parties, judges, law firms, attorneys, patents, and arguments involved in a trial.
Lex Machina’s unique Trial Flow analytics provides a quick and easy visual explanation of the trial stages you care about. Are these trials getting instituted? Are they going to Final Decision or settling? Who’s winning—the Petitioner or the Patent Owner?
Analyze ANDA-specific case lists for a particular district, judge, party, law firm, attorney, or patent, to make data-driven decisions about Hatch-Waxman case strategy and tactics.
Uncover district-wide trends regarding grant or denial of orders for summary judgment, claim construction, injunctions, and other matters just for ANDA cases.
Benchmark elements of your ANDA case strategy against your peers, whether brand or generic. Assess total case volumes, venues, settlement propensities, merits outcomes and other measures of strategic behavior.