The Lex Machina team is excited about the launch of our ERISA litigation module. This brings Legal Analytics to one of the most complex practice areas in the U.S. District Courts. The new module helps attorneys navigate the complexities surrounding disputes over ERISA-protected Life, Health, Disability, Pension, Retirement, and Other Employee Benefit Plans.

Practitioners can analyze the over 80,000 cases pending since 2009 to see how judges, parties, or law firms perform in ERISA litigation. This data not only helps in-house lawyers identify winning outside counsel or law firms pitch their experience, but also helps lawyers on both sides make better strategic and tactical decisions during litigation. From detailed metrics on motions practice, to case timing and budgeting, legal analytics can provide an edge over the competition.

Lex Machina’s ERISA module includes access to case tags that identify key subjects within the larger practice area: Claim Denial, Delinquent Contribution, Withdrawal Liability and Plan Reimbursement.

These tags allow practitioners to easily filter down to viewing only cases that are similar and relevant. When combined with other filters for party, law firm, lawyer, or judge involvement, the tags provide more accurate insight into the performance of those actors. The most prevalent districts for ERISA litigation look entirely different depending on which causes of action are being asserted within the case. For cases involving Delinquent Contribution and Withdrawal Liability, litigation is concentrated within the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern District of New York, and the Southern District of New York. By contrast Claim Denial litigation is more distributed, with the top districts being District of South Carolina and Central District of California. Evaluating judicial experience similarly requires an eye towards these distinct styles of ERISA litigation.

Lex Machina interface:  showing ERISA specific tags in dark bar on left.


Lex Machina also developed and tracks 29 ERISA specific findings decided in District Court.

With the ability to tailor a customized case list and see analytics over different phases of litigation, Lex Machina gives counsel unprecedented insight into the record and behavior of judges, parties and firms in ERISA cases.