Lex Machina is pleased to announce the launch of our module for Product Liability litigation. This launch more than doubles the number of cases in the Lex Machina system, and brings legal analytics to one of the largest practice areas in the U.S. District Courts.
Practitioners can analyze the nearly 500,000 cases pending since 2009 to see how judges, parties, or law firms have behaved in litigation. This data can not only help in-house lawyers identify winning outside counsel or help a law firm pitch it’s experience, but can also help lawyers on both sides make better strategic and tactical decisions during litigation. From detailed metrics on motions practice, to case timing and budgeting, legal analytics can provide edge over the competition.
Lex Machina’s Product Liability (PL) module includes access to case tags that identify key subjects within the larger practice area: medical devices / pharmaceutical (61% of the PL cases pending since 2009), Asbestos (28%), Vehicles (1.7%) and Aircraft (less than 1%).
These tags allow practitioners to easily filter down to viewing only cases that are similar and relevant. When combined with other filters for party, law firm, lawyer, or judge involvement, the tags provide more accurate insight into the performance of those actors.
In addition to the subject area tags, Lex Machina also provides a tag that identifies cases in which subrogation (an insurance company assuming control/responsibility of the cases from an insured) has occurred. For users working for, representing, or opposed to insurance companies, this feature makes finding the 1% of cases that involve subrogation simple.
Lex Machina interface: showing Product Liability specific tags in dark bar on left.
Lex Machina has also recognized that most Product Liability cases are part of a Multi-District Litigation (MDL) proceeding. When a large number of cases involve the same complex set of facts, they may be transferred and combined into an MDL master proceeding for discovery and pretrial. Of the nearly 500,000 PL cases, upwards of 90% are associated with an MDL master, of which there are only 157 (less than .1%).
For understanding the discovery and pretrial issues, filter to only view MDL master cases makes obtaining good intelligence simple. But focusing on associated cases can provide better insights for business development, or for analyzing remanded trials.
Lex Machina interface: showing MDL and other general tags in dark bar on left.
When viewing an individual case, Lex Machina also makes it easy to pivot between any MDL associated case and the MDL master case, or vice versa.
Lex Machina interface: case view makes it easy to find MDL master or other MDL associated cases.
Lex Machina’s Product Liability module includes other advanced data on case outcomes, including specific findings and damage types, that enables users to discover the factors that can influence litigation in their favor.