The Lex Machina team is excited to launch our new Outside Counsel Selector Quick Tool, an invaluable shortcut on our platform that enables you to compare prospective outside counsel. The Outside Counsel Selector Quick Tool provides a side-by-side analysis of attorneys along a myriad of key parameters including practice areas and courts, numbers of cases litigated, case resolutions, top findings and remedies, and total damage awards.
You can use this new Quick Tool to gain crucial insights on an attorney’s relative level of experience in litigating a certain type of case in specific venues. The Outside Counsel Selector Quick Tool offers coverage of attorneys practicing in federal district courts, state courts, or both. Lex Machina is proud to provide this valuable new tool to practitioners who seek a quick but comprehensive evaluation of different prospective outside counsel.
Depending on your subscription, users can access the Outside Counsel Selector Quick Tool now.
To learn more, contact our sales team.