Lex Machina hosted a webcast called “Can You Trust Your Litigation Analytics?” on July 15, 2021. The webcast featured Karl Harris, CEO of Lex Machina and Kelli Jones, Customer Success Manager at Lex Machina.

They engaged in a spirited discussion on what it takes to create accurate litigation analytics and the risks of relying on incomplete data. Some of the topics they covered included:

  • Docket challenges in Federal and State Court
  • Necessary elements and processes for the creation of accurate and complete analytics
  • Dangers of relying on incomplete data

“I think it’s actually really tempting for other folks that want to offer analytics to take shortcuts, and take what one prominent blogger in the legal industry called, ‘a quick and dirty approach to analytics,’” said Karl Harris. “Here at Lex Machina, we don’t take a quick and dirty approach to anything. And that’s because we believe that there are three core principles that are required to build analytics you trust: accurate, complete, and transparent.”

“[This is all] pretty eye-opening,” noted Kelli Jones in response to some of the examples illustrated by Karl demonstrating Lex Machina’s superior litigation analytics. “I’ve had customers ask me why the number of cases they pull for a law firm or an attorney in PACER or that they pull through another vendor, why that number of cases differs from the number in Lex Machina. Sometimes they’re trying to size up opposing counsel experience by pulling this data. Other times, they’re trying to pull data on their competition or even their own firm to pitch for new business.”

“What we do in Lex Machina . . . is we take a very sophisticated, a very rigorous approach to making sure that we get all of the information correct in the litigation record,” Karl Harris agreed. “That’s kind of the point I want to drive home here . . . these misspellings, these little incorrect things that look small in one case – when they roll up over time, they make a huge difference. It can cause you to misrepresent the track record of a particular law firm, misrepresent millions of dollars in damages. It’s a big deal. If you don’t do what Lex Machina does, you can’t have trust that you’re getting these things right.”

Listen to a recording of the webcast or read the transcript.